The Black British Book Festival achieved a significant milestone by hosting its first-ever Black Literature panel at the renowned Glastonbury Festival in collaboration with Team Love, the Bristol-based event organisers. Titled “Going Against The Grain,” the panel took place on 25th June 2023 at the prestigious Silver Hayes field. Led by esteemed chairperson Magdalene Abraha, the panel featured an impressive lineup of experts, artists, and industry professionals, including George the Poet, Franklyn Addo, and Metal Messiah. The discussion delved into the rise of Grime music, exploring its unconventional journey and cultural impact.
Attendees were captivated by thought-provoking insights, personal anecdotes, and powerful performances, sparking broader conversations about inclusivity and diverse voices within creative fields. The Black British Book Festival and Team Love extend their gratitude to Glastonbury Festival for providing a platform to celebrate Black literature and music, marking a historic moment in the cultural landscape, elevating Black artists’ rich contributions.